The Mentoring for Growth (M4G) Project is an initiative of the Association of Professional Women Bankers (APWB), an arm of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) in partnership with the Centre for Gender Issues in Science and Technology (CEGIST) and the Association’s Consultant: SparkleKey Business Solutions. The project M4G aims to provide information, network, guidance and support services that will aid youths and women to entrepreneurial success. M4G has two components:
Knowledge Development Initiative (KDI)
KDI is aimed at developing classroom CEOs by stimulating young minds to use their knowledge base in developing innovative solutions to problems and come up with ideas that will lead to business opportunities.
It is an educational program to re-direct our youths for economic development through ICT –based financial intelligence training that will create a bridge between the academia and the corporate world of business.
KDI Goals
ü Stimulating young minds for innovative solutions
ü Re-directing youths for economic development
ü Creating business ideas & opportunities
ü Developing classroom CEOs
Women Productivity Stimulus Scheme (WPSS)
WPSS must enable disadvantaged women to attain sustained livelihood through business and livelihood skills. The aim is to create micro-entrepreneurs out of unemployed youths, women and the less-privileged in the society. These micro-entrepreneurs shall be provided with commercial products obtained at discounted factory rates to sell. Limited credit facilities are available through our partners to assist women in this regard.