HIV; LIVE SAFE! Campaign
HIV/AIDS Program Development Project II (HPDP II)
The Centre signed a contract with the Ondo State Agency for the Control of AIDS for the implementation of the HIV/AIDS Program Development Project (HPDPII). This is an Intervention Program to reduce new HIV infections among students of tertiary institutions in Ondo State.
- Thematic area: Prevention of New HIV/AIDS Infections
- Target population: Students of tertiary institutions in Ondo State
- Scope: 15 institutions across 8 LGAs
- Theme: Live Safe
Our mode of Operation- MPPI (Minimum Prevention Package Intervention)
The MPPI is carried out in three stages:
Structural: Activities are Advocacy Visit, Community Dialogue
Behavioral: Peer Education, Road shows, Inter-School Debates, Training of selected Peer Workers and resource persons in the various institutions.
Biomedical: HIV/AIDS Counseling and Testing, Condom Programming (Condom Promotion and Distribution), Teaching the correct and Consistent use of Condoms.
Our Goals
Promote risk reduction through increased awareness amongst students of tertiary institutions in Ondo State
Promote Abstinence, Being Faithful, and Condom Use
Institutionalize HIV/AIDS awareness in all tertiary institutions in Ondo State